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The E.J. Boys Archive

Amended 18.5.2011. Minor edits 17.2.2014.

1005, Private Isaac HANSON — 13th Light Dragoons

Birth & early life

Born at Ossett, near Wakefield, Yorkshire.


Enlisted at Canterbury on the 16th of July 1840.

Age: 21 years 2 months.

Height: 5' 6".

Trade: Shoe-maker.

Features: Fresh complexion. Grey eyes. Brown hair.


From Private to Corporal, 11th of August 1843.

Reduced to Private on the 4th of April 1844.

From Private to Corporal, 24th of December 1846.

Reduced to Private by a Regimental Court-martial and imprisoned from the 4th of January — 15th of February 1851.

In Scutari General Hospital from the 27th of February 1855 and invalided to England on the 15th of May.

Discharge & pension

Discharged from Chatham Invalid Depot on the 18th of November 1862, as "Unfit for further service. Labours under dyspepsia and broken down constitution. His state of health is attributable to intemperance and long service. Not likely to be able to contribute towards earning his livelihood."

Served 21 years 308 days. In Turkey and the Crimea, 2 years.

Conduct: "good". Not in possession of any Good Conduct badges.

Tried five times by Court martial. Twice for "absence" and three times for "drunkenness."

Aged 43 years 5 months on discharge.

Granted a pension of 8d. per day.


Documents confirm the award of the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Balaclava [sic] Inkerman and Sebastopol.

Entitled (according to the medal rolls) to the Crimean medal with clasps for Alma, Inkerman, Sebastopol and the Turkish medal.

"Fresh medal" granted on the 14th of August 1856.

Lummis and Wynn give his Regtl. number as 1556.


Attended the First Balaclava Banquet in 1875. See copy of the Illustrated London News for the 30th of October 1875 for picture of him (wrongly captioned as "Jacob Hanson") in the 13th Hussar file.

Further detailed medal information archived.


Life after service

To live on discharge, c/o. Mr. Walker, Brindle Street, Bradford, Yorkshire.

Told he was not eligible for In-Pension on the 22nd of May 1867 — "As he can support himself by supplementing his pension by his trade".

Admitted to In-Pension at Chelsea Royal Hospital on the 1st of May 1873.

At the time of his entering the Royal Hospital Chelsea as an In-Pensioner on the 1st of May 1873 he was described as being 54 years of age, "not now equal to regular work" had "no wife or family" and had previously been living at Cawthorpe, near Wakefield, Yorkshire.

Death & burial

Isaac Hanson died at Chelsea on the 25th of October 1878 and was buried in Compartment F7 of the Brompton Cemetery on the 30th of October. No headstone was erected.

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For further information, or to express an interest in the project, please email the editors, Philip Boys & Roy Mills, viainfo@chargeofthelightbrigade.com